Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Perfume Oils in general

I have a HUGE bunch of halloween/autumn samples coming from a bunch of different companies this year: BPAL, House of Gloi, Arcana, Haunt, Blooddrop, Carnival Wax, Conjure Oils, Violette Market. In 2006 - 2008 I was pretty addicted to testing and swapping for bottles of perfume oils then took a break for years.

I took the break because I fell in love with the Jo Malone line, Lavanila Pure Vanilla and Lush Vanillary. I also like a few other perfumes that are on rotation. I really enjoy Apothia's Child perfume which is a beautiful simple floral that is an oil and lasts a loooong time and is really easy to overapply. In fact, I almost cleared out a church wearing it one Sunday morning because I was in a hurry and swiped it one or two times too many.

So my problem with all of these etailers oils is that none really last and none really have throw. I mean, I probably could dump 3/6 of the vial of most of these on my skin and clothes and it would fade in an hour and I wouldn't leave any scent trail (sillage) behind me as I leave a room. Which is a problem.

I don't feel like anyone should inflict a cloud of intense perfume on the people around them. But I do enjoy being able to smell my own perfume. I also even like smelling other beautifully smellng women. You can usually tell a lot about someone by the scents they choose. And don't even get in to men's cologne. Yumm.

So if you can suggest an oil that is super strong. That you need to use a light hand to apply. That is feminine and lasts at least a couple hours. Please leave a comment with it's name and where I can test it out!


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