Friday, October 12, 2012

Blooddrop Review

Annnnd another box came my way.

Astrid at Blooddrop is a sweetheart. She included as extras a free lipstick, and 2 adorable soaps in the scent " Pumpkin Pie at the Diner after Rocky". Also Hallowmas was sold out but she found one last bottle for me.

Sacred season of visiting spirits, of nature closing down to sleep and the fleeting days of the long sun. Soft red musk, honey absolute, caramel covered apples, sweet orange, seasonal spices, butter CO2, marshmallow cream.

Ooo buttery and autumny with caramel apples strongly in the background but not taking over the top notes. This is a unique autumn scent. Very smooth, nothing sharp or loud. Well mixed. I like it.


At the Diner After Rocky
The usual food trip after the RHPS brings a group of all sorts: some Goths, some SCA-ers and Gamers, the really odd old guy who still might live in his mom’s basement and that really hot guy you’re too shy to talk to. The selection of meals ordered was just as bizarre as the people, but one favorite was blueberry pancakes with blueberry syrup and maple syrup!

OH WOW! I've only worn this for 30 minutes but I have to say that this zips into my top 25 for CERTAIN and possibly top 10 favorite perfume oils of all time. I *love* blueberry pancakes with waffles. My ass can attest to the fact that it's one of my favorite comfort foods. And this smells just like blueberry waffles covered in maple syrup. But.. it's also WEARABLE. I'm not sure on throw or lasting power. I'm keeping my fingers crossed it has both and will probably update this at some point. But you need to try this out if you like blueberries at all. I rarely, if ever, order backup bottles but this is going on my christmas list.


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